Annual Report 2021-22

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Risk and audit at a glance

An Internal Audit and Risk function delivers Internal Audit reports on the Authority’s operations, and risk status reports to an independent Audit Risk and Finance Committee who oversee the function’s operations.

Fraud detected in the agency

Category/nature of fraudNumber of  instances
Falsified records 1


Fraud reported includes actual and reasonably suspected incidents of fraud.

Strategies implemented to control and prevent fraud

Operational risk registers include references to fraud-related risks, especially with regard to contract management, fraudulent interactions with clients, human  resources related fraud (e.g., timesheets) and invoice handling.

The internal control processes to mitigate the risk of fraud include:

  • monthly board review of corporate performance reports which incorporate both financial and non-financial data;
  • a finance team who undertake regular analysis of budgetary spend across the Authority and investigation of major variations to budgets;
  • risk assessment analysis of processes;
  • a Financial Management Compliance Program assessment process;
  • fraud awareness training program for all staff to undertake annually;
  • risk assessment training for staff, to improve risk identification and mitigation with
    the business overall;
  • a risk-based internal audit program (and every internal audit scope has a specific
    fraud element to consider, where appropriate); and
  • annual fraud and corruption awareness campaign via Chief Executive

Data for previous years is available at: australian housing trust annual report-fraud

Public interest disclosure

Number of occasions on which public interest information has been disclosed to a responsible officer of the agency under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018:  0

Data for previous years is available at: australian housing trust annual report-public interest disclosure


Disclosure of public interest information was previously reported under the Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993 and repealed by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018 on 1/7/2019.